We don’t simply go to church; we are the church! Explore opportunities to connect and grow with others at Saint Mark’s.

Community Camp
Community! It’s wherever we are. Sometimes we’re at church, and sometimes we travel! Our bi-annual Saint Mark’s Community Camp is held at Catalina Island Camps on Catalina Island over the 3-day Memorial Day weekend. It’s a chance for all ages in the Saint Mark’s community to strengthen friendships, try new activiities, and give thanks for God’s many blessings. We eat great food, enjoy a campfire and talent show, kayak, swim, snorkel, climb the rock wall and the high ropes course, hike, play games, do crafts...or take naps, read books, and best of all… relax! Sunday afternoon we share in a wonderful outdoor worship service.

Dad’s Night
Saint Mark’s dads enjoy spending time together, and there’s always a lot to share. We’re dads, after all! Dad’s Night is a monthly casual-dining evening, focusing on friendship and the opportunity for dads of every age to gather and support one another in a shared faith community.

Women’s Soup
All women in the parish are invited to come together on the 2nd Tuesday evening of the month for fellowship, food, laughter, and conversation. We sample the large variety of moderately priced restaurants in the Pasadena area or gather in someone’s home. Dinner + friendship+ great energy often lead to wonderful projects that benefit our whole community.

Food & Fellowship
At Saint Mark’s, we cherish the opportunity to gather after our worship for “Food and Fellowship.” Parish members contribute to hospitality after our services. Food and Fellowship is often more than punch and cookies: Saint Mark’s people love to cook and love to share! So prepare to be fed, enjoy time to catch up with old friends, and make new ones too.

Men’s Breakfast
Men’s Breakfast is an opportunity for fellowship, prayer and service. We meet for breakfast every Wednesday at 7:00 am at The Reyn (635 N Lake Ave, Pasadena). While much of our ministry and our care for one another is invisible to the rest of the congregation, our more public activities include stepping in when extra hands are needed for special parish events and providing quiet financial support for parish ministries and worthy causes.