
We are a uniquely diverse, vibrant, and open-hearted Episcopal community. Whoever you are, at Saint Mark’s you can expect to find a warm welcome, companions in spiritual growth, and ways to share your gifts in the name of God’s love.

Photos from our temporary home in Eagle Rock

What Will You Find at Saint Mark’s?


Inspiring and renewing worship and music, in wide variety


A diverse and welcoming Christian community


Abundant opportunities to explore, question, discover, and grow


Clear and challenging preaching


Active, involved teens and youth


A lively environment for children to experience God's love and learn how to share that love


Laughter, food for body & soul, and fun!


A safe place to be oneself


A commitment to social issues

You may be wondering...

Will I be welcome?

  • We are a diverse, vibrant, and open-hearted Episcopal community, reflecting the broad embrace of God’s love. You can expect to find a warm welcome, companions in spiritual growth, and ways to share your gifts in the name of God’s love.

Where is Saint Mark’s located?

  • Saint Mark’s is located at 1014 East Altadena Drive in Altadena, CA, just east of Lake Avenue.

Where can I park?

  • Park on Altadena Drive, or go down the driveway by the large blue Parking flag to our parking lot, then follow the signs through the school campus back up to the church.
  • There’s a marked handicap parking spot at the top of the driveway, as well as two blue curb spots on Altadena Drive, with a ramp from the sidewalk to the church doors.

What should I wear?

  • We wear everything from jeans or shorts to suits and dresses; come in what’s comfortable for you.

Where should I sit?

  • You’re welcome to sit in any pew! The first row on each side is wheelchair & walker accessible.
  • If you’re coming with children, we encourage you to sit near the front so that they can see well and feel they’re participating fully; it’s okay if they wiggle, talk, cry, need a snack, or roam around.

How will I follow the service?

  • As you enter, our ushers will give you a bulletin that will guide you through the service; if a large print version is helpful, just ask and they’ll be glad to get one for you.
  • Some parts of the service are printed in the bulletin; others are in the Book of Common Prayer/BCP, which is in the book rack in the pew.
  • Our hymns are in 3 hymnals, also in the book racks: Hymnal 1982; Wonder, Love & Praise/WLP, and Lift Every Voice and Sing/LEVAS.

What COVID precautions are you taking?

  • Masks are optional; if you're more comfortable wearing one, we have a supply near the front doors.
  • If you prefer to social distance, there’s room to find a spot to sit with open space around you.
  • Our clergy and lay leaders use lots of hand sanitizer, and there’s a bottle in the entryway if you want to use some too.
  • We ask those who aren’t feeling well to join our 10:30 a.m. service online.

More questions? Feel free to call 626-798-6747 or email the church office, or ask an usher when you arrive!

Altar of Saint Mark's with art banners hanging above

Our Mission

For over 100 years, Saint Mark’s Episcopal Church has been home to people at every stage of their journey of faith: new believers, those who are searching or uncertain, people whose experience and wisdom inspire and encourage all of us.

As we worship, learn, and serve, we discover what it means in our own lives and for our community to be children of God and followers of Jesus Christ. We gather as a family to share our celebrations, our struggles, and our daily life. We don't simply go to church; we are the church!

The best way to find out about Saint Mark’s is by meeting us. We invite you to join us for a Sunday service, participate in one of our programs, contact our clergy, or browse through this website. Most of all, we invite you to be open to the wonderful truth that God loves you and created you for a purpose, and to the possibility that you might discover that here with us.

You are welcome here

Our sign says “The Episcopal Church Welcomes You”… and we mean it! The reign of God embraces people of every color and culture, physical and mental ability, gender identity and orientation. Saint Mark’s is enriched by this diversity, and by the unique perspectives and gifts each individual brings to our community.

Smiling parishioner

Our Episcopal Identity

We are a local congregation of The Episcopal Church, a diverse family of Christians committed to Jesus Christ and a powerful Gospel message of faith, hope, and love. We are a part of the Anglican Communion, an international fellowship of churches sharing a rich tradition of worship, common prayer, ministry, and service.

As an Episcopal Church, Saint Mark’s is committed to values and beliefs that help us:

  • Live as stewards and cultivators of God’s gifts within and around us

  • Enjoy meaningful relationships that unite us in our diversity

  • Nurture children and youth, strengthen families, and care for our elderly

  • Practice spirituality for the ‘real world’

  • Welcome all people with Christ-like hospitality

  • Grow in love of God and service to all God’s children