Our time, talents, and treasure are among the many gifts with which God has entrusted us as individuals and as a church community; our careful stewardship of those gifts is one of the ways we walk with integrity and gratitude as people of faith.

Our time, talents, and treasure are among the many gifts with which God has entrusted us as individuals and as a church community; our careful stewardship of those gifts is one of the ways we walk with integrity and gratitude as people of faith.
Our Venmo account name is @SaintMarks-ChurchAltadena; to confirm the account, use 9463 as the last 4 digits of our phone number. You can also donate via Paypal, using the Donate button at the top of this website.
“Stewardship” is a one-word way of summarizing our response to all the blessings—time, talent, and treasure—which we have received from God. As a congregation, Saint Mark’s has been blessed with resources to support our ministries, blessed to have rich fellowship, blessed to have an active and thriving youth group…the list goes on and on.
Each fall in our Season of Gratitude, we embrace stewardship grounded in thankfulness, revealed in prayer, and lived in faith. This is the season to ask “How can I live more faithfully?” During this season, you’ll hear the gospel preached and powerful witness made from some of our members who give of their talent, time, and treasure, and who want to share their gratitude to God with all of us. This is an opportunity to reflect on all the gifts that God has bestowed upon us and to respond by embracing the sharing of those gifts in all kinds of ways.
If you’d like to discuss offering your talents volunteering for one of the ministries of Saint Mark’s Church or giving of your time by participating in one of our programs, send us an email here. If you want to make a financial pledge, fill out and submit this pledge form.
Saint Mark’s Church and School are raising funds to build a new, state-of-the-art preschool facility as part of an exciting joint capital campaign. To date, we are more than halfway to our goal, and we hope to break ground on the new preschool during Summer 2023, with further campus upgrades and renovations to follow in the coming years.
Saint Mark’s Church also has an endowment fund to help build a financial base which will enable ministry in the future. The Endowment Committee offers occasional classes and articles on planned giving to encourage members to protect and benefit their family through wills and living trusts, and to remember Saint Mark’s in their estate planning. For more information on the Endowment Fund or including the church in your will, contact Bob Ross through the church office.